When you have traffic with no traffic policeman, you have gridlock. An education should provide the traffic as well as a way to guide it. A multiple-choice test lists choices A-B-C-D-E. But there's sometimes another category - "OTHER". Civilization consists, in part of being able to respond, "OTHER". You have to know about the range of choices, available to you; you have to know the limitation of those choices; and you have to be able to reject all, and seek a new solution.
(Dr. Vartan Gregorian)
The whole of science is nothing more than a refinement of everyday thinking.
(Dr. Albert Einstein)
(Dr. Vartan Gregorian)
The whole of science is nothing more than a refinement of everyday thinking.
(Dr. Albert Einstein)
The First Step by poetess Sopie Diener. Read by Stage Door Johnny
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Guided Note Packets, Tables, Helpful Artifacts
Introduction to Chemistry 102/71-72 (pdf)
Periodic Table of the Elements (pdf)
Unit 1 Part 1: Matter & Energy (MS Word interactive)
Unit 1 Part 2: Basic Atomic Structure
Unit 1 Part 3: Energy
A Capsule of Covid Chemistry
Alchemy PreLab and Lab
Chromatography Pre-lab
Water of Analysis Pre-lab
Acid, Base, Buffer Pre-Lab
Saponification Pre-Lab
Esters & Polymers Pre-Lab
Candle Lab
Tooth Infinity and Beyond!
Vocabulary Practice Re: Compounds Chemical/Physical
The Ultimate Cheatsheet for Critical Thinking (An Application of Bloom's Taxonomy)
How to Write/Organize Your Final Paper
Some Past Literature Review Topics (These are "pre-approved" but you are welcome to suggest your own ideas)
Term Paper Algorithm (a series of "if this" then "do that" questions to help lead you)
Your Literature Review Should Include
Some websites to start with research of various topics
Introduction to Chemistry 102/71-72 (pdf)
Periodic Table of the Elements (pdf)
Unit 1 Part 1: Matter & Energy (MS Word interactive)
Unit 1 Part 2: Basic Atomic Structure
Unit 1 Part 3: Energy
A Capsule of Covid Chemistry
Alchemy PreLab and Lab
Chromatography Pre-lab
Water of Analysis Pre-lab
Acid, Base, Buffer Pre-Lab
Saponification Pre-Lab
Esters & Polymers Pre-Lab
Candle Lab
Tooth Infinity and Beyond!
Vocabulary Practice Re: Compounds Chemical/Physical
The Ultimate Cheatsheet for Critical Thinking (An Application of Bloom's Taxonomy)
How to Write/Organize Your Final Paper
Some Past Literature Review Topics (These are "pre-approved" but you are welcome to suggest your own ideas)
Term Paper Algorithm (a series of "if this" then "do that" questions to help lead you)
Your Literature Review Should Include
Some websites to start with research of various topics